Tuesday, April 5, 2011

D is for "Dear Diary"

"Dear Diary", "Once upon a time" and "It was a dark and stormy night," are all cliche-like beginnings to writing projects, yet I kind of get intrigued by them. I want to read more or hear more because somehow I think I'm going to hear/read a really great story. Today's links will be to sites for writing prompts for kids, hopefully the prompts will help students to want to write a great story, engage their imaginations and open doors that will intrigue their readers.

Think It Ink It -wordless stories that kids can write the words to and have published. Awesome!
You do have to register and can purchase the books.

From Free Writing Center is a collection of prompts: 5 Useful Websites With Writing Prompts for Kids
These link to sites with free writing prompts.

A Goldmine of Journal Writing Prompts for Kids  squidoo page has a nice collection of about 17 links to writing prompts.

At Journal Buddies, I found 13 Exciting, Innovative Writing Prompts for Kids + 9 Bonus Creative Journaling Ideas.   Another great collection of prompts.

Lesson Tutor provides prompts based on Senses

Hope you find the homeschool help you are looking for and/or enjoy the blog, posts and links.
Happy homeschooling!


Technical Note: During April, as I am writing for a blogging challenge, I will not update the blog pages until May. However, the pages are organized by subject (links at the top of the page) so if you are looking for something in particular you may be able to find specific topic related information that way.



  1. I love Dear Diary posts. Many of my blog entries are like that.

  2. I don't write fiction so never used writing prompts. It sounds like fun so I might test the waters. Thanks for the links.

  3. I didn't homeschool my kids, but I do own a daycare, so turning moments into learning experiences has always been important to me.

  4. I love writing prompts. Thanks for the links.

  5. Great links. I would have loved to have had these types of opportunities as a child. Glad to see they are available to kids today.
