Monday, May 2, 2011

Z is for School Zombies

Yes, this post isn't meant to be serious. I've had a bit too much of serious lately and frankly I'm done with it at least for today. So let's talk about school zombies and how to avoid zombosis.

True zombosis or the creation of zombies in a school setting can be avoided quite easily by not allowing any zombies into your home. Barricades can be effective but prevention is the best option.

Secondary zombosis or the illusion of having zombies in your school is another story. If your child begins to exhibit zombie like symptoms such as moving stiffly, blankly staring out the window without  acknowledgment or comprehension of a lesson and grunting for responses you might have a school zombie to contend with. There are actually quite a few things these symptoms could be attributed to so it is best to start with a list of questions.

1. Is your child getting enough sleep?
2. Have you had your child checked for allergies?
3. Is your child a preteen or teen?
4. Do you live in an area where there are ticks and mosquitoes?
5. Did your child attend PE recently?
6. Is your child exhibiting any other symptoms or strange behaviors-fevers, chewing on nails (fingernails) etc.?
7. Have there been any significant dietary changes? Especially look for an increased appetite for iron containing foods and protein. 

Zombie Optional Lessons

If you have determined that you have a zombie and have been unable to pinpoint a cause and thus a treatment plan you may have to adjust your lesson plans.

First, present lessons when they are most likely to be active. Even if they are moving slowly, they may still eat up the information and retain it. Second, take them outside. Actually, take them on as many field trips as possible. Trust me, you can't go wrong with a good field trip. Look for field trips that hand out samples if possible.

That is all I have for now. Try not to let zombosis get you down.

Happy Homeschooling!


New Challenge Z-A

Today, I start the new challenge. This is the Z-A in May challenge. Yes, I didn't finish the last challenge which was A-Z in April. My response is that it is okay to try again, start again or just keep going. I will be starting again but this time with the letter "Z".

Be back soon with a "Z" post!

Happy Homeschooling!
